Dr Dejan Ubavin

Redovni profesor
Rukovodilac osnovnih studija IZŽS
  • Email: dejanubavin@uns.ac.rs
  • Telefon: 021/485-2408
  • Kabinet: 001B, F-blok


  1. Ubavin D., Agarski B., Maodus N., Stanisavljevic N., Budak I., 2017. A Model for Prioritizing Landfills for Remediation and Closure: A Case Study in Serbia. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 2018 (2018), vol. 14 No. 1, pp 105-119
  2. Stepanov, J., Ubavin, D., Prokic, D., Budak, I., Stevanovc-Carapina, H., Stanisavljevic, N. Comparison of municipal waste management systems using lca. south backa waste management region. A case study, Environment Protection Engineering, Volume 44, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 33-49
  3. Tot, B., Vujic, G., Srdjevic, Z., Ubavin, D., Tavares Russo, M. A., Group assessment of key indicators of sustainable waste management in developing countries, WASTE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH, (2017), vol. 35 br. 9, str. 913-922
  4. Djogo, M., Radonic, J., Mihajlovic, I., Obrovski, B., Ubavin, D., Turk-Sekulic, M., Vojinovic-Miloradov, M., Selection of Optimal Parameters for Future Research Monitoring Programmes on MSW Landfill in Novi Sad, Serbia, FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN, (2017), vol. 26 br. 7, str. 4867-4875
  5. Vujic, G., Stanisavljevic, N., Batinic, B., Jurakic, Z., Ubavin, D., Barriers for implementation of "waste to energy" in developing and transition countries - A case study of Serbia, Journal of Material Cyclesand Waste Management, (2017), vol. 19 No. 1, pp. 55-69
  6. Stanisavljevic, N., Vujovic, S., Zivancev, M,. Batinic, B., Tot, B., Ubavin, D., Applicationof MFA as a decision support tool for waste management in small municipalities – case study of Serbia, Waste Management & Research. 33 (6) 550–560, 2015.
  7. Stanisavljević, N., Ubavin D., Batinić B., Fellner J., Vujić G., 2012. Methane emissions from landfills in Serbia and potential mitigation strategies: a case study. Waste Management & Research. 30 (10) 1095–1103.
  8. Bojan Batinić, Srđan Vukmirović, Goran Vujic, Nemanja Stanisavljević, Dejan Ubavin, Goran Vukmirović, Using ANN model to determine future waste characteristic in order to achieve specific waste management targets – case study of Serbia, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, (2011), vol. 70 br. 7, str. 513-518
  9. 2010 Vujić, B., Milovanović, B., Ubavin, D., Analysis of concentration levels of particulate matter (PM10, total suspended particulates and black smoke) in the city of Zrenjanin, Hemijska industrija , 2010 Vol. 64, No. 5, pp.453-458
  10. Vujić, G., Jovičić, N., Petrović-Đurović M., Ubavin, D., Nakomčić B., Jovičić, G., Gordić, D., Influence of Ambiance Temperature and Operational – Constructive Parameteres on Landfill Gas Generation – Case study Novi Sad, Thermal Science 2010. Vol.14, No. 2, pp. 555-564.